Products and customer relationships

We have a consolidated and very detailed process in our business model that covers all development steps – from the search for land to the post-delivery of the keys. Our goal is to concentrate operations in a specific segment, such as high-end apartments, enhancing the Company's specialization and ability to deliver high-quality products, generating consistent customer relationships. The process goes through the following steps:


We prospect the best land through the Development area, considering location, appreciation potential, public transportation, infrastructure, and neighborhoods where we have a good sales record.


Once the land has been identified, the Costs area analyzes the purchase conditions and the feasibility of the acquisition. Then, studies are carried out, such as topographic survey, drilling, elevation analysis, mass study, among others.


The third step is the planning of the construction work. A detailed study is carried out after the project is created. In this phase, several areas of the Company work in an integrated manner.


CIt is up to the Launch Committee (COLAN), including members of the executive board, to approve or not the feasibility of the launch.


After the project is approved, dissemination and sales strategies are designed, ranging from stand assembly to the definition of sales conditions for the units.

Before handing over the keys, all units are thoroughly inspected. Finally, an Installation Meeting is held, and the condominium is created.


  • Market and Segment Analysis
  • Land Prospecting
  • Detailed Terrain Analysis
  • Reports and Economic Feasibility Study


  • Product Development and Preliminary Study
  • Pre-Budget
  • Approval from Public Bodies
  • Final Economic Feasibility Study


  • Preparation for Launch
  • Launch and Sales
  • Inventory Management ("under construction" and "ready")


  • Executive Project
  • Quotation and Purchase of Materials and Services
  • Basic Budget and Production Master Plan
  • Construction Work

The execution of the Construction Work by contracted suppliers (or by the group company, Green). The construction works follow a similar sequence of work:


  • Inspection and Delivery
  • Technical Support

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