Water management

GRI 103-1, 103-2, 103-3 - Material Subject: Water Management GRI 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, SASB IF-HB-160a.2

Water consumption in civil construction is significant because it occurs in several processes. As a result, legal analyzes are carried out regarding the availability and supply of infrastructure for future development. The initial consumption control is done via the indicator collection system (SIS), with input data entered by the work.

The consumption target and energy consumption define targets and carry out simulations, projects and memorials for water connections, in all common areas, according to each step to mitigate excesses and ensure the use of the amount foreseen in the budget. The construction works receive drinking water, periodically measured through reports on use and quality.

Reduction of


in water consumption at construction sites since 2015

We monitor consumption and expenses with the concessionaire and water trucks, and we have contractual clauses with contractors that determine the proper use of water without waste. We reward all teams that maintain water and energy consumption as planned to encourage this practice.

In sustainability audits, we check for potential leaks and combat the presence of standing water to prevent the spread of dengue. In 2019, 71% of the construction works met the water consumption target; in 2020, we reached 76%; and, in 2021, 89% due to the change in the consumption calculation methodology.

Due to cost, we adopted a hybrid supply system. We buy water from a water truck, which offers more attractive prices. The water supplies the reservoirs for temporary consumption (engineering, living area, etc.), with subsequent definitive connection for the supply of the delivered units. All water truck companies have health surveillance and CETESB certifications.

Water withdrawal (in m³)

GRI 303-3
2019 2020 2021
Groundwater - Sabesp 26,788.22 12,046.64 15,827.38
Third-party-water - Tank truck 51,855,85 46,619.77 48,028.22
Total water withdrawal 78,644.07 58,666.41 63,855.60

Note: There is no water withdrawal of surface water, seawater and produced water. The water withdrawal is carried out in areas with water stress, in accordance with Water Risk Filter, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Aqueduct WRI methodologies.

In all developments, the Projects and Techniques areas prepare the best plans for hydraulic installations and evaluate the best practices to be implemented. The client has comfort, water at the right temperature, and the condominium can take advantage of rainwater and have consumption estimates etc.

The Engineering department is responsible for detailing the hydraulic procedures at the construction sites, while the Quality area assesses the installations in the audit process and monitors the consumption target programs, implementation and maintenance of several devices.

Among these devices are the Lava Rodas programs, which remove dirt from vehicles' tires that enter the job site before they return to the city, and Lava Brushes. The process uses recirculation water, also used for washing the streets, which avoids contamination and keeps the work's surroundings clean.

Year 2019 2020 2021
Index (m³/m² in progress) 0.5 0.59 0.41
Works 11 11 15.00
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