
After several improvement processes, the Human Resources area adopted modern evaluation and qualification processes and a structured hiring policy. The new resources reached all levels of the Company and made our team more diverse and bolder.

We have developed a work environment where transparency, ethics, respect and equity prevail, enhancing everyone's engagement, innovation and Even's relationship with other stakeholders.

Employees’ Profile

Up to December 31, 2021, our team in the city of São Paulo had 624 direct employees, hired under an indefinite-term, full-time contract, and over two thousand professionals from subcontractors working on our construction works.

We have a very competitive benefits policy. Our employees are eligible for several benefits, without any distinction due to length of service, including medical assistance, dental assistance, life insurance, payroll-deductible loans, meal vouchers, support for physical activities, an employee support program and several agreements offer many benefits.

Our team is of experienced professionals, but with an average young age. Our seven officers are 42 years old on average and have been with the Company for 12 years. In the managerial range, the average age is 39 years, with an average of 10 years at Even. Coordinators have worked at the Organization for an average of six years; the engineers, four years ago; and our forepersons have 12 years in the Company.

We have a team of executives committed to sustainable development and maximizing results. The management model seeks to align the interests of shareholders through a culture of meritocracy, and a variable compensation model, which privileges growth, results, cost efficiency and innovation.

GRI 102-8
2019 2020 2021
Female 286 272 244
Male 425 411 380
Total 711 683 624

Note: All employees are located in the Southeast region and have a permanent employment contract and full-time employment.

Diversity indicator 2019 2020 2021
%Total %Total %Total
Yellow 2.3% 1.6% 2.1%
White 69.5% 68.1% 63.5%
Brown 21.7% 24.3% 27.1%
Black 6.3% 5.9% 7.2%
Not informed 0.3% 0.1% 0.0%

Percentage of employees per employee category, by age group in 2021

GRI 405-1
Under 30 years old 30 to 50 years old Over 50 years old
Director 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
Management 0.0% 97.4% 2.6%
Coordinator 5.2% 94.8% 0.0%
Administrative 54.1% 44.8% 1.2%
Technician 34.5% 55.2% 10.3%
Operational 49.7% 29.7% 20.6%
Professional 49.7% 29.7% 20.6%
Total 42.3% 50.3% 7.4%
Percentage of employees per employee category, by gender
GRI 405-1
2019 2020 2021
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Director 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
Management 69.6% 30.4% 75.5% 24.5% 73.7% 26.3%
Coordinator 51.2% 48.8% 55.4% 44.6% 55.2% 44.8%
Administrative 42.0% 58.0% 48.0% 52.0% 47.9% 52.1%
Technician 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%
Operational 80.5% 19.5% 81.4% 18.6% 77.6% 22.4%
Professional 49.4% 50.6% 45.6% 54.4% 47.9% 52.1%
Total 59.8% 40.2% 60.2% 39.8% 60.9% 39.1%

Ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women to men for each employee category

GRI 405-2
Employee category 2019 2020 2021
Directior 0.00 0.00 0.00
Management 1.24 1.17 1.17
Coordinator 0.88 0.86 0.86
Professional 0.55 0.64 0.64
Technician ¹ 0.00 0.00 0.00
Operational² 0.41 0.33 0.33
Administrative 0.95 1.05 1.09

¹ There are no female employees in the “Technician” employee category.
² The difference in the ratio is due to the difference in the operational role performed by women (Works Supervisor III) and men (Construction Master IV) and the length of service.

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