In 2021, Even won the Silver certificate in the Wellness/Prevention and Pioneering Program in the Fight against Covid-19. It was the third consecutive time that the Company was recognized by Revista Proteção, one of the country’s most prestigious publications in the segment. In the Quality of Work Life category, the award reflected Even's work to prevent and fight against Covid-19 in its construction works, offices, and sales stands.
No construction work was interrupted, and we highlight, once again, our pioneering spirit and for permanently creating a safe and healthy work environment, keeping Even as a reference in Work Health and Safety in civil construction.
The recognition reflects the many measures adopted to reduce contagion risks: we moved our entire corporate team to a Remote Work system and invested in IT tools to keep productivity, closed our sales stands to avoid agglomerations, reduced the working day by 25% and have implemented strict security protocols at our 45 self-clean stations.
We reinforced digital sales channels by training and guiding our brokers for online service and implementing digital signature tools to formalize Purchase and Sale Promises. Supporting customers affected by Covid-19, we developed an action plan to prevent default and ensure retention.
Despite all obstacles from the pandemic, no Even's construction work had delays in the year. In general, we have defined a contingency plan with nine pillars to fight Covid-19:
Temperature Control and Symptoms
Social Distancing
Cleaning and Sanitation
Crisis Management Group
Suspicious Case Management
Guidelines (cautions on commutes and at home)
PPE Management
Administrative Controls
Over the year, we carried out over 2,000 PCR and quick tests. We provided over 44,000 masks to our employees and over 3,800 liters of hand sanitizer. We provided 98 face shields, and as a preventive measure, we had almost 200 sanitizations in the construction works (two per week/construction work). In parallel, we provided 61 tons of food in the monthly food basket program to all employees who work at our construction sites. In all, Even invested over R$1 million in the fight against the coronavirus.
Due to the pandemic, since May 2020, the events of the Scheduled Visit have become virtual. In this new format, we produced a video of the model units and common areas with a 360° virtual tour of the reference apartments and made it available to customers via email, SMS, Customer Portal and printed material.