Even's governance structure is based on three main axes: Board of Directors, Statutory Executive Board and Statutory and Non-Statutory Committees, as shown in the following organizational chart:
Under the Company's Bylaws and Brazilian Corporation Law, the Shareholders' Meeting is responsible for electing the members of the Board of Directors, a collegiate body with five members, four of which are independent (80% of the total). The chairman of Even's Board of Directors is not part of the Statutory and Non-Statutory Executive Board.
With a two-year term of office, the Board of Directors, which meets monthly, is responsible for establishing the Company's general policies, electing directors, supervising management and approving strategic operations, among other roles. Its main mission is to protect and enhance the Company's assets and to optimize, in the long term, the return on investment for its shareholders.
The Board is also responsible for examining and resolving Even's strategic issues, besides annually reviewing the guidelines, integrity/compliance and corporate governance (policies) systems to improve and monitor their implementation.
Created in 2021, the Committee is multidisciplinary and has managers from different areas who report to the Operations Board. It holds monthly meetings and is responsible for engaging and promoting the ESG subject internally. Among other attributions, the Committee is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the Sustainability Report and implementing and monitoring the purposes and goals of the area. All ESG actions are resolved at Audit Committee meetings.