The risks posed by climate change are indirect to our business. We believe that the only potential impact is linked to the physical risks that floods and natural disasters can pose to the construction and occupation of our developments. For this reason, we have not mapped the risk of climate change directly linked to the construction and use of properties.
Currently, we treat these risks as an important input for studies on the best way to structure our construction sites and ensure water and energy supply since the lack of rain in periods of drought can affect the water supply and increase the cost of energy at the construction sites. Aware of this, we use water from a water truck as an alternative to water from the concessionaire and are studying the possibility of adding clean energy sources to our construction sites.
In our developments, all precautions are taken before the beginning of the construction works, aiming to guarantee the best possible foundation and avoid any future damage for the erosion of slopes or even a potential landslide due to heavy rains. The same applies to the structure, with the choice of the best protection to prevent materials from falling. We carry out studies to ensure the correct execution of the procedures, and we have specific consultants to monitor the foundation work and soil decontamination (when applicable).
We offset carbon emissions through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) certification to combat climate change. The concern reflects our commitment to actively participate in the creation of innovative solutions that can limit the increase in the planet's average temperature and meet the goals established by the Paris Agreement. In 2021, Even obtained this certificate for three developments:
Together, these offsets represented 17,228 tons of CO2 from capturing biogas in a sanitary landfill. It should be noted that Construction Insurance does not have clauses on climate change, only coverage for civil construction works and/or services for the assembly and installation of machines and/or equipment.