Health and safety

GRI 103-1, 103-2, 103-3 - Material Subject: Occupational Health and Safety GRI 403-4, 403-9, SASB IF-HB-320a.1

The health and safety of professionals who work for Even (including outsourced workers) are at the forefront. To this end, all employees allocated to our construction sites undergo training in Occupational Health and Safety. Only after completing the integration training in safety and operational procedures can employees start their activities.

We provide and monitor the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Every month our construction works receive technical visits and audits to raise employees' awareness of safety, besides periodic specific training. In total, there are 480 hours per year of consultative technical visits by the occupational safety professional at each construction site and another 80 hours/year of training. After these efforts, in 2021, we achieved all the monthly goals for safety training (Gdfor), safety at construction works, equipment release, and accidents with a leave of absence of over 15 days.

We keep the remediation plans active at our headquarters, such as the regularization of the AVCB license (Auto de Inspection of the Fire Department), and we continually improve the Technical Development of Construction works Program, which regulates and monitors the guidelines and routines of our construction sites, for through performance targets, measured periodically.

As we work with 100% outsourced labor in the construction works, any complaint about the safety or health of workers is made directly to the union. When this occurs, it is only after the union indicates the problem that we can implement improvements and preventive measures in the contracted outsourced companies and Even, if applicable.

SESMT works to ensure that there are no labor cases analogous to slavery among our suppliers and in the value chain. Monitoring is done through inspections, audits and the Supplier Document Management system (GDFOR). This ensures compliance with labor legislation and that all labor is registered and certified before entering the construction site.

In 2021, we held another edition of the Internal Accident Prevention Week (Sipat), also dedicated to employees' mental, spiritual, emotional, social, physical and professional health. The event addressed the year's main challenges in terms of health and safety and was attended by sailor Lars Grael.

NIn the civil construction segment, accident prevention and risk mitigation are key to ensuring a safe work environment, especially for professionals working on construction sites (pedestrian galleries, protection of neighbors, logistics and equipment mobilization).

We mapped the main risk factors for occupational health and safety in the Strategic Risks Map/Matrix, a tool that helps in the implementation of the governance necessary to monitor the evolution of KRI risks (Key Risk Indicators), and, with that, we reduce the exposure of professionals to these risks and enhance their well-being and quality of life.

Through an internal audit, we control and inspect the implementation of programs to prevent accidents and occupational diseases. Proof of this effort is that we won the Gold certificate in the Brazil Protection Award in 2021, one of the most traditional recognitions in the OSH (Occupational Health and Safety) area across the country.

We invested 2.31% of the total person-hours worked per employee in specific occupational safety and health training.

In 2021, we participated in the events of the Regional Superintendence of Labor and Employment in the State of São Paulo (SRTE) and meetings of the Regional Standing Committee (CPR) for the structuring of the Risk Management Program (PGR) and implementation of Occupational Risk Management (GRO) at our construction sites from January 2022.

We have programs to amplify the safety culture – Environmental Risk Prevention Program (PPRA), which helps in the construction of the Occupational Health Physician Control Program (PCMSO), the Work Conditions and Environment Program in the Civil Construction (PCMAT) for the projects, whose construction started before January 2022, as well as the mechanisms for the participation and consultation of employees concerning this topic, among them:

  • Monitoring the actions of Cipa (Accident Prevention Commission) Construction works and Cipa Office;
  • DSS (Weekly Safety Dialogue) – Weekly safety dialogue, carried out by Occupational Safety Professionals at all construction works;
  • CIPA (Internal Commission for Accident Prevention) – CIPA Centralized Work and Office, with several programs for accident prevention and improvement in occupational safety management systems;
  • Periodic Accident Analysis Meetings;
  • RGE (General Engineering Meeting) – General Engineering Meetings, held every 45 days at the construction works, with the presence of all engineers, coordinators, directors and management for alignment of processes, presentation of results and feedback;
  • Meetings with the Master Builders – Held frequently for engagement and alignment of changes in processes;
  • Security Integrations – Performed every day by security technicians;
  • On-site Training – Also carried out by the Quality area.

In the routine meetings of the CPA (Commission to prevent Accidents), with our representatives and the contractor, matters for occupational safety are discussed. All matters are recorded in specific minutes, which provides feedback to outsourced companies for improvements in this area.       

Even registers and reports all accidents in a corporate manner to SESMT (Service Specialized in Safety Engineering and Occupational Medicine), a survey that helps to guide and promote risk mitigation campaigns at construction sites and is present in all actions linked to ISO 9001 certification.

We always start from the legislation and regulations in force, but instead of the PDCA system (Plan-Do-Check-ACT), we adopt safety and comfort conditions beyond legal requirements. For our care in safety and health, we have already received the Sinduscon Award (São Paulo State Civil Construction Industry Union) and the Brazil Protection Award. This attitude allowed us to achieve 100% of the corporate and segmental goals in the area of Occupational Safety in the year.

Work-related injuries, employees information

GRI 403-9
2019 2020 2021
Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injury 0 0 0
Rate of fatalities as a result of work-related injury 0 0 0
Number of high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities) 0 0 2
Rate of high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities) 0 0 0
Number of recordable work-related injuries 15 20 30
Rate of recordable work-related injuries 2.89 4.97 5.13
Number of hours worked 5,191,390 4,023,450 6,428,820

Note: There was no exclusion of any workers from this content.

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